Event Chur

Breath notes


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A musical theatre by Claudia Carigiet and Jürg Kienberger.


22.02.2024 at 19:30 o'clock
23.02.2024 at 19:30 o'clock
CHF 28.00 / 42.00 / 15.00 (regular / patron / reduced)
Theatre Square

Viviane Chassot sits on stage at the accordion. She practices and practices: English Suite No. 5 in E minor by J. S. Bach, composed for harpsichord, piano or clavichord. It's a kind of battle that wants to be won. After all, as an artist you have to stand out from the crowd. For the soloist, this means tirelessly working on precision. She wants to make the impossible possible through personal commitment, the urge for recognition drives her incessantly, to the point of total exhaustion. And this has recently become noticeable. And that's why she ended up in the therapy session with Jürg Kienberger. From his own experience, he knows the sunny and dark sides of success on stage. She has chosen him as a companion in difficult times, because his business card reads: "Music therapist with a sense of humour". She has lost this sense of humor lately. That's where expert help is needed.

The therapy session, which is presented to the public, is unconventional and full-length. In addition to philosophical reflections on the element of water, on the breathing of the instrument and the person who plays it, it includes an easily digestible three-course menu with excursions into music and comedy.


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