Event Chur

Jürg Gautschi with Lucas Schwarz (cooperation)

Reading with music


22.02.2024 from 20:15 to 22:00 o'clock
Kulturgarage at OKRO

Jürg Gautschi voc, Lucas Schwarz bs
Jürg Gautschi reads from his new book "Cunterfem" – published by Chasa Editura Rumantscha – and gives us an insight into his everyday life in his short stories. He shares thoughts, encounters and sometimes his anger. The texts are in an up-to-date, direct and entertaining language. The reading will take place in Romansh. The author from the Surselva will be musically accompanied by bassist Lucas Schwarz.
Igl autur Jürg Gautschi presenta siu niev cudesch "Cunterfem" cun historias cuortas sursilvanas, cumparidas tier la Chasa Editura Rumantscha. El dat investa en siu mintgadi e parta patratgs, sentupadas e magari dagrettas. Las historias a screttas en in stil franc, in lungatg direct ed actual. Ins ha immediat bugen la figura narrativa, pertgei ch'el ei dil tuttafatg in "normalo". Ils texts cun tetels sco Huora Hipschters, Helpdesk, Per tgei vai atgnamein laian adina puspei rir da cor ed era retener in tec e reflectar.
Duront la prelecziun vegn Jürg Gautschi accumpagnaus musicalmein da Lucas Schwarz, il bassist oriunds da Trun.


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