Offer Group offers

Guided tour of Chur with a typcial Grisons dish

Stadtführung in der Churer Altstadt
Guided Old town tour in Chur, traditional Graubuenden menu

On this historical walking tour of Chur, you can discover all kinds of interesting facts & stories about the oldest city in Switzerland. Afterwards, you have the opportunity to get to know the region from a culinary point of view - by tucking into a multi-course menu of Graubuenden specialities in a lovely restaurant in the old town. You can choose from a variety of traditional Chur establishments.

Included services

  • Guided tour through the Old town of Chur (2h)
  • Traditional Grisons menu (drinks not included)

Restaurants & menus

  • Restaurant & menu selection will be sent to you with the offer

Further information

  • Group size: Available for groups from 5 persons on
  • Duration: 1/2 day

Price examples

  • for 5 persons: from CHF 93 on per person
  • for 15 persons: from CHF 66 on per person
  • for 25 persons: from CHF 69 on per person 

The prices depend on the number of participants and the choice of menu. We will be happy to offer you the exact prices for your group on request. 



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